Sunday, October 17, 2010

My New Approach to Class Blog

A class blog is a gizmo intended to be used as a communication and resource tool for parents and students. Pictures, games, videos, comments and other documents can be made available online through class blogs.

As I mentioned during Open House, I was contemplating to accept a challenge to post at least once week onto our class blog. This was easier said than done. The schedule of a teacher and mother of three very active children pose some challenges. All I needed was more hours in a day. I'd even settle for a clone or two. Neither option is currently obtainable.

After watching days go by on the calendar and still no time found to post, I consulted our Instructional Technology Coach for possible solutions. After all, she posted the challenge; so I was hoping that she would have some answers or at least point me in the right direction. She suggested snapping a picture daily and posting about that small moment in our day. How simple is that? A picture from Readers or Writers Workshop or from the hallway or Math Workshop and then write a caption about the picture...

Strategies for solving story problems: Students helped teacher (1) write an equation; (2) solve problem using pictures and numbers; (3) then explained in words the steps used to solve the story problem.

Brilliant! I walked out of her office excited and promised her to post daily. It was difficult to contain my excitement. I could give my parents a snippet of a small moment in class. Parents and family members can be a fly on the wall during their child’s day. I don’t know about y’all, but I think that’s farmtastic! Since that conversation, I’ve kept my word and have posted two new posts in two days. Yee Haw! As a result, please check our class blog frequently for a bird’s eye view of our day.

Also, remember that I will continue posting intermittently new games and other resources available online as a review or extra practice for your child.

I hope you will enjoy this new approach to blogging as much as I am enjoying posting about a small moment. Please remember to leave a comment. I look forward to reading them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm soooo excited that you are pumped up about blogging again. I know I have needed a fresh look lately and I'm glad I was able to help you find yours. I love the photos you've done so far and I hope your families will enjoy taking a peek into your classroom a little bit each day!


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