Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to School! Yee Haw!

Howdy Y'all!

It's that time of year again when growing young minds go back-to-school and this year, we are all farmers - Chets Creek style!

I was so excited to meet all my new first grade farmers that were able to attend Friday's orientation. I hope you enjoyed visiting your new classroom and your special treats. We have so much to do this year and we are going to have a howdy good time getting it all done.

This blog will be another tool used to share with our families some of our work done down on the farm. My first grade farmers, if you wish to leave a comment, please remember to ONLY add your initials. I would love to hear from y'all!


  1. I'm so excited to get a peek into your classroom this year by reading your class blog! Looking forward to visiting Wallace Farms each week :)

  2. Hello farmers. I am so glad to be your teacher. I look forward to reading all of your comments.



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